10 Essential Priorities
City For All and the TransFormation Alliance have 10 essential priorities, inspired by Atlanta City Design and the City of Atlanta Community Engagement Playbook, as a starting point for housing affordability.
1. Ensure fulfillment of Mayor Bottom’s public pledge to commit $1 billion by 2022 to increase affordable housing, including $500 million in public investment while prioritizing flexible, equity sources of funding.
2. Immediately seat the recently established Housing Commission to develop recommendations for a strategically unified, actionable housing plan and delivery system.
3. Reclaim vacant land, blighted housing and surplus property owned by the City, AHA, and APS for affordable housing development.
4. Explore specific proposals, such as the Living Transit Fund, that support future affordable housing development near transit.
5. Prioritize public subsidy to target households with incomes below 6o% AMI.
6. Adopt a city-wide mandatory Inclusionary Zoning ordinance.
7. Implement tax “circuit breakers”, increased homestead exemptions, or other immediately achievable policies to protect home-owners from displacement.
8. Develop a strategy to reduce rampant and inequitable evictions, including resourcing organizations that work to keep families in their homes.
9. Emphasize long term affordability for publicly subsidized housing through community land trusts, deed restrictions or other shared equity models.
10. Preserve the homeownership base by supporting single-family acquisition and rehab, lease-purchase options, and down payment assistance.